Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fieldwork is...

A great opportunity
Nerve racking when already working a 40 hr week
A chance to see another career
Did I mention exciting?

I have to complete 200 hours by winter break... That's 16 weeks! So the math comes to 12.5 hours a week.
So with 40 hours a week working.
Class on Wednesday nights 4-10.
that leaves me fieldworking from 5:30-8:30pm 4 days a week! Plus random 1 hour lunch meetings throughout the semester!
So now that I have put it like that it seems doable .... ish....

Okay I did 1.5 hours today
and I will being doing a 1 hour tour tomorrow!
so that is 2.5 hours done and 197.5 left to go!

Happy Fall all!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Cabbages and Kings

"The time has come," the Walrus said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings."

The Walrus and The Carpenter, from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, 1872
By Lewis Carroll

Currently I am working on creating a compiled listing of events, organizations, resources, and trainings for Student Affairs professionals for HELO. I have been searching for some resources to pull from and via the Student Affairs Collaborative, I found this listing of blogs in every SA field. I was so excited to see so many SA bloggers. I think SA bloggers need to have a more viable face in SA community.

I remember starting in my grad program. I was looking for some places where people where talking about what I was learning in an applicable sort of way. The first blog that I found was Eric Stoller's. I immediately added it to my Google reader! Since then I have added several others and now participate in #SAChat on Twitter. Being able to incorporate current events into my perspective of Student Affairs has helped me think more critically and bridge connections outside of my work in grad school.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer 'down time'

On the down spin of a 4 week break in my graduate program. With one year under my belt, I feel amazing. My program is great (yippee for Challenge and Support, go Sanford go!), my cohort is AMAZING, the classes and faculty consistently exceed my expectations, SA and Higher Ed events are inspiring and motivating. I know I am in the right profession and at the right time, in history and in my life. I have some professional experiences leading into the program and have had time to reflect on my undergrad experiences.
I guess I am feeling that all this Challenge and Support is draining! I am SO mentally tired, but I want more. :) Learning never stops.
I am grateful for the break, but feel that I need to keep expanding my knowledge base. So rather then pull out a text to reread, I have started tweeting. Yep twitter is my new addiction. I have had an account for a year or more. I faze in and out using it. From Ed Cabellon, I found the SA Blog/Collaborative and #sachat on twitter. It is great to get involved in conversations and watch other SAPs talk about daily life! In my first day following the discussion everyone was talking about major retailers promoting underage drinking through end-cap displays! Exciting to be apart of the future of SAPs and HE and to see it all happening online! :)
Back to my obsession...
Tweeted about my MS program having us take an abbreviated MBTI and also the StrengthsFinder!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's about time

So I created this blog a long time ago. I thought that I would be able and motivated to blog my grad school and developmental experiences. It wasn't until I became the IT coordinator for the Higher Education Leadership Organization (HELO), this is a student organization for the students in the Master's in Higher Education program as CSU Fullerton, that I saw the need for me to blog.
In the last year I have, out of necessity learned to use lots of web 2.0-3.0 technology. I started being a power Google user (multiple Gmail accounts, Google Reader, Google Docs, Google Sites, Google Scholar, Google Books, iGoogle, Google Talk, Google Mobile, Blogger, Google Calendar, to name a few). I have 3 blogger blogs, personal (GlueGirl), school (This one), and an Eportfolio (For school). I have 3 Tumblr accounts (Jaimeiscrafty, HEInspire, and JMedesigns). I tweet @jaimeiscrafty & @helo_csuf. I manage the HELO website. I love Flickr. This is just a little bit of my love of tech. I had to turn the web off on my BB pearl flip because I was WAY too distracted by it.
SOOO All of that rambling and linking over with, I just saw a tweet about the lack of women in student affairs who blog or tweet about technology. Kristen is getting together with others to create a group of Women in SA on Tech. I say great idea! Let's get talking or typing!